Asian Shallots Nutrition Facts Beef Nutrition Facts

Terminal Updated on May 7, 2020 by

Shallots are sometimes called "pocket-sized onions," and this accurately describes their appearance.

However, they are quite different from regular onions.

Shallots receive wide acclaim for the deep flavour they tin can add to whatsoever dish, and they are a prized vegetable in cuisines around the world.

In this commodity, we look at precisely what shallots are, how to use them, and what they offer nutritionally.

Dozen Red Shallots In a Pile.

What Are Shallots?

Shallots are part of the Allium genus of plants which includes onions, garlic, chives, and leeks.

In botanical terms, they are a diverseness of root vegetable.

These small vegetables are a staple in eating place kitchens around the earth for their flavorful taste.

As shown in the higher up image, shallots share some similarities in appearance with regular onions, but they are much smaller in size.

Shallots are also slightly milder and sweeter than onions, and they have a more delicate—but much deeper—flavour.

There are likewise notes of garlic in the gustatory modality profile, and so they make a flavorful addition to just about any dish.

Information technology is thought that shallots originate somewhere in Cardinal or South-East Asia. However, they now abound in numerous countries around the world (1).

Many unlike cuisines around the earth brand use of shallots, but they are particularly admired in India and in French cuisine.


Like nigh fruits and vegetables, there are many varieties of shallots that we can buy.

While at that place are literally dozens of dissimilar shallots, some of the most common include;

  • Atlas
  • Bonilla
  • French greyness (arguably the most famous type and known equally the "true shallot")
  • French red
  • Gray shallots
  • Prisma
  • Carmine dominicus

Shallots can range in colour and size from green-tinged white colors to light brown and red.

Key Point: Shallots are similar to regular onions, only they are smaller and offering a greater depth of flavor.

Nutrition Facts

Nutritionally, shallots are primarily a source of sugar, and they offer minimal protein and fatty.

In the tabular array below, you can see the full nutritional values for shallots per 100 grams. The data source is the USDA Food Composition Databases (ii).

Shallots – Full Nutrition Facts Per 100 Grams (Raw)
Calories/Nutrient Amount
Calories 72 kcal
Carbohydrate 16.80 g
  Fiber 3.20 g
  Sugars vii.87 yard
Fat 0.x g
  Saturated Fat 0.02 g
  Monounsaturated Fatty 0.01 thousand
  Polyunsaturated fat 0.04 g
    Omega-3 Fatty Acids <0.01 thou
    Omega-half dozen Fatty Acids 0.04 grand
Protein 2.50 g
Vitamin Amount % DV
Pyridoxine (B6) 0.35 mg 20.v %
Vitamin C 8.00 mg viii.9 %
Folate 34.00 mcg 8.5 %
Pantothenic Acrid (B5) 0.29 mg v.8 %
Thiamin (B1) 0.06 mg 5.0 %
Choline 11.30 mg 2.1 %
Riboflavin (B2) 0.02 mg i.5 %
Niacin (B3) 0.twenty mg ane.3 %
Vitamin Thousand 0.lxxx mcg 0.7 %
Vitamin E 0.04 mg 0.3 %
Vitamin A 0.25 mcg RAE 0.02 %
Mineral Corporeality % DV
Manganese 0.29 mg 12.6 %
Calcium 37.00 mg 10.0 %
Potassium 334.00 mg 7.1 %
Magnesium 21.00 mg 5.0 %
Atomic number 26 i.xx mg %
Phosphorus 60.00 mg 4.8 %
Copper 0.09 mg two.8 %
Zinc 0.twoscore mg 3.6 %
Selenium 1.20 mcg ii.2 %
Sodium 12.00 mg 0.5 %

As shown in the nutrition profile, shallots are an splendid source of vitamin B6.

Shallots also provide moderate amounts of manganese, calcium, potassium, vitamin C, and folate.

Potential Benefits of Shallots

Other than nutritional benefits from the essential vitamins and minerals they contain, shallots may have some further advantages.

Rich Source of Flavonoids

Shallots contain a significant number of flavonoid compounds, which are a type of polyphenol.

Amid these flavonoids, shallots are particularly high in quercetin, and isorhamnetin (3).

Studies looking at shallot flavonoids take demonstrated several benefits in jail cell (test tube) studies and in animal models. For case, these benefits include potential anti-inflammatory and immune-enhancing properties (four).

Nevertheless, these were flavonoid extract studies using rodents and jail cell lines. In other words; we cannot infer that simply eating shallots would have these same benefits in the homo body.

Key Point: Shallots are a concentrated source of flavonoid polyphenols, which may have potential benefits.

Potential Anticancer Properties

First of all, no unmarried food can "forestall" (or drastically reduce) the risk of cancer, so accept this with appropriate context.

Nonetheless, shallots practice contain certain sulfur-containing compounds that research suggests have cancer-preventive properties (5).

These compounds include allicin besides as other thiosulfinate compounds (6).

Furthermore, lab studies using tumor cell lines have demonstrated that shallot extracts can take an inhibitory effect on tumor growth (7).

Once again, this cannot be taken as evidence that consuming shallots has this same result within the human being body.

That said, a wealth of observational and mechanistic enquiry suggests that vegetables in the allium genus, such as shallots, may exist beneficial for reducing cancer hazard (viii, ix, 10, eleven, 12).

Primal Point: Shallots incorporate various sulfur-containing compounds that are linked to a reduced cancer chance.

Golden Shallots - Whole With Skin and Cut In Half.

Drawbacks and Side Effects

For the majority of people, shallots are a healthy vegetable with no major drawbacks.

Even so, they may not be suitable in certain situations.


Firstly, shallot allergies are very rare.

All the same, it is possible to be allergic to some (or all) members of the allium genus (13).

Symptoms of an allergic reaction to shallots may include;

  • Breathing difficulties
  • Cramps
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Lightheadedness
  • Rash

In rare instances, anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction) tin can exist life-threatening and requires firsthand medical attention (14).

Anyone who suspects they may have an allergy to shallots/allium vegetables should consult their doc.

Key Point: Shallot allergies are uncommon, simply at that place are records of people with such allergies.

Non Suitable For Depression-FODMAP Diets

Fermentable carbohydrates are sometimes referred to every bit FODMAPS, which ways 'Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides and Polyols' (15).

All the same, some individuals accept sensitivities/intolerance to FODMAPs.

Low-FODMAP diets are sometimes prescribed for people who endure from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) due to their potential power to improve IBS symptoms (16, 17).

Similar to all members of the allium genus, shallots contain high amounts of fructooligosaccharides. For this reason, they are loftier in FODMAPS food and are non suitable for low-FODMAP diets (18, 19, 20).

Key Signal: Shallots contain pregnant amounts of FODMAPS, so they are non uniform with low-FODMAP diets.

How Do Shallots Differ From Onions?

As previously mentioned, shallots are smaller and have a deeper, more flavorful gustatory modality than onions.

However, their nutritional values are also quite different.

The following table compares the basic nutritional values that shallots and onions offer (2, 21);

Diet Profiles of Shallots vs. Onions (per 100g)
Calories/Food Shallots Onions
Calories 72 kcal 40 kcal
Saccharide 16.80 g 9.34 g
  Fiber 3.xx chiliad 1.7 g
  Sugars 7.87 yard 4.24 g
Fat 0.x g 0.x g
Protein 2.fifty g 1.10 thousand

As we can run into, shallots are higher in calories than onions. The reason for this is that they contain significantly higher amounts of saccharide and sugars. This higher saccharide content too explains their sweeter taste.

How To Utilise Shallots

In addition to tasting not bad, shallots are a versatile ingredient in the kitchen.

Generally speaking, shallots are used to add together flavor and heighten a dish rather than equally the chief ingredient.

However, at that place are many unlike ways to use them, and some of these include;

  • Making pickled shallots
  • Caramelizing them
  • In a flavorful dip
  • Stir-frying alongside meat and other vegetables
  • Raw equally function of a salad
  • To flavor a soup or stew
  • As office of a vinaigrette
  • Broiled in an oven-tray alongside roast meat

For some more tasty ideas, there is a list of 31 recipes using shallots here.

Last Thoughts

All in all, shallots are a succulent vegetable that can upgrade the gustation of any dish.

While they are by and large known for their flavor-enhancing backdrop, they exercise have nutritional benefits besides.

These small onions are a good source of several essential vitamins and minerals, and they may offer further benefits due to the various compounds they contain.

For more than on root vegetables, see this look at the nutrition benefits of sweet potatoes.


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