According to the Word Entry, What Is the Language of Origin for the Word Impeccable?

x Common Words That You'll Only Find in English

From cheesy to absurd, all other languages borrow these indispensable terms from us!

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Essential-Words-That-Exist-Only-in-English Tatiana Ayazo /,Shutterstock


Other languages have words that hateful fake, tacky, or trying too hard, but only the English slang term "cheesy" can fully express something so fake that information technology stinks like Camembert: "He came up to me at the bar with this big cheesy grin on his face and said, 'Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?'" Come across if you lot can guess the virtually abrasive discussion in English language.

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Essential-Words-That-Exist-Only-in-English Tatiana Ayazo /,Shutterstock


Surely this give-and-take'south transformation is one of the strangest in the English language (which is saying a lot). Co-ordinate to Merriam-Webster, men who exploit prostitutes have been called "pimps" since the 1700s, and since style before then, they've been dressing in showy outfits around the world. But only in English has "pimp" get a humorous, semi-favorable verb, meaning to refurbish something, to make it super-fancy, equally in the reality Telly show Pimp My Ride.You thinkthat'sweird? Bank check out these bizarre slang words from the 1920s.

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Essential-Words-That-Exist-Only-in-English Tatiana Ayazo /,Shutterstock


Many of the words on this list are slang, but non this one. According to Merriam-Webster, serendipity, which means the land of finding pleasant or desirable things by blow, comes from Serendip, an ancient name for Sri Lanka. In 18th century Britain, the writer Horace Walpole popularized the give-and-take in reference to a folk tale about 'the 3 princes of Serendip,' who "were always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things they were not in quest of." Sounds similar serendipity to the states! These cute words accept no English language equivalent.

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Essential-Words-That-Exist-Only-in-English Tatiana Ayazo /,Shutterstock


It's often been observed that English is the easiest linguistic communication to learn but the hardest to learn well…and this neat, compact expression goes a long manner in explaining why. "Trade" is one of the many English verbs that alter dramatically when paired with different prepositions… and each expresses a concept that would have a whole sentence to explain in whatsoever other language: Trade in, trade up, and trade down are just a few examples. But the trade-off is a specially American concept; what other nationality would actually accept to state: "You tin't have it all; in that location is ever a trade-off!" Trying to acquire a language other than English language? Start from "hello."

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Essential-Words-That-Exist-Only-in-English Tatiana Ayazo /,Shutterstock


There are plenty of synonyms out there for ridiculous or foolish, but this 1 also means lighthearted, playful, and kind of fun. Could information technology exist a faint repeat of the word'south evolving definition? According to the Oxford English Lexicon, 500 years agone dizzy meant "happy, blissful, lucky, or blessed. From there information technology came to mean innocent, or deserving of compassion," which morphed into the succulent applesauce we savour today in silly hats, lightheaded jokes, and, perhaps best of all, Monty Python's Ministry of Giddy Walks. Hither are some common words that were inspired by real people.

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Essential-Words-That-Exist-Only-in-English Tatiana Ayazo /,Shutterstock


Gobbledygook sounds similar Middle English but according to, this delightful term for unintelligible jargon actually only dates from World War Two, when American Congressman Maury Maverick (aye, really his name) "used [it] in a memo dated March 30, 1944, banning 'gobbledygook language' and mock-threatening, 'anyone using the words activation or implementation will be shot.' Apparently Bohemian was thinking of a turkey's "gobble." These are the funniest words in the English language linguistic communication.

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Essential-Words-That-Exist-Only-in-English Tatiana Ayazo /,Shutterstock


Co-ordinate to Dave Tabler, at Appalachian History website, this name for a rural American was brought past Scots-Irish settlers who flooded Appalachia in the 1700s. The discussion probably comes from 2 Scottish words mashed together: "hill-folk" and "billy" which was slang for a man (much similar today'due south "guy" or "dude") and the term was more than descriptive than disparaging. Only these days if you lot don't consider yourself a hillbilly, don't call someone else one… or you'll discover "them's fightin' words!" And sentinel out for these 12 words with surprisingly offensive origins, besides.

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Essential-Words-That-Exist-Only-in-English Tatiana Ayazo /,Shutterstock


People have been hiding their faces in their hands to express embarrassment, dismay, or exasperation for hundreds of years (at least), but Merriam-Webster dates the term "facepalm" to 1996, making information technology the newest word on this list. Our favorite use of the word comes from The Los Angeles Review of Books in 2014: "There's a kind of facepalm moment in the terrific pilot episode of Amazon'south terrific new series Transparent when yous realize that the title is a pun."

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Essential-Words-That-Exist-Only-in-English Tatiana Ayazo /,Shutterstock


As Time magazine puts it, "Earlier 'spam' was a discussion that represented unwanted emails, it was a word that represented the successful repackaging of unwanted meats." Introduced in 1937, SPAM was a clever way to repackage the undesirable cut of pork shoulder, and the brandname itself is a combination of "spiced" and "ham," invented in a naming contest. The newer pregnant derives from a skit by the 1970s British comedy troupe Monty Python in which a band of Vikings drown out all other conversation by shouting the discussion "spam" over and over again—much as a barrage of unsolicited commercial emails volition overwhelm everything else in your inbox. Learn the names of some very specific things y'all didn't realize had names.

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Essential-Words-That-Exist-Only-in-English Tatiana Ayazo /,Shutterstock


This multifaceted word of approval is another ane that started out meaning i thing and wound up every bit another. According to Merriam-Webster, we accept to go all the style dorsum to twelfth century Middle English to find the first mention of absurd, meaning the contrary of hot. Over the years this idea gets applied to emotions: tempers that run hot or cool. In the 1920s, American jazz culture prized that quality of relaxed calm in music and in life, and the word became a synonym for admirable, fashionable, and practiced, across the globe. Now that's cool! Learn the origins of some of the most mutual English slang terms.


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